Human Touch

Look at this precious hand resting on mine! Ema, who came to Neema two weeks ago, was called a “walker” because he would go door to door asking for food. He still eats as if it will be his last meal. It’s very sad and it’s a different mindset from the other kids at...

Running in Circles

Wazungu is a Swahili word that Tanzanians use when referring to white people. But, it means more than just “white person.” It means people who are always running in circles. Have you ever reheated your coffee in the microwave? Lord bless all of us who are so busy we...


“There goes the power” is something I say far too often. This past fall at Neema the power was off more often than it was on. You know you live in a developing country when you run to plug everything you own in as soon as the power turns on. But, I’ve learned to live...


How joyful I am to be jealous of the setting sun knowing that it is going to wake up another part of the world that I love. While visiting a Massai church this morning, I was reminded of the overwhelming love and joy that my heart has for Tanzania.  It’s a...