As a young single person, I strongly believe God is using this time in my life to follow after my wildest dreams. For the past ten years, I have prayed and waited on His timing for a trip to Africa. I’ve known since I was around twelve that at some point in my life I was going to go to Africa to “hold the babies”. At this stage of my life, I know there is no better time for me to follow after His plan and the desires of my heart than right now.
When I took my first mission trip in June of 2015, the reason for my love of traveling became very clear to me. I have always had a desire to travel. I love seeing new places, meeting new people, and eating new food. The thought crossed my mind many times after going on my first mission trip to Guatemala that it would be really awesome if I could go somewhere and stay for an extended amount of time. However, the connections needed to do so weren’t there at that time and it never felt “right” until now. After spending two weeks at Neema Village in February, I knew I needed to find a way to spend more time there. It’s hard to explain, but the Lord has had Africa on my heart for a very long time and I am honored to know and be a part of such a great organization, like Neema Village, which cares for and loves the people of Tanzania so well.
Having lived on my own for the past five years and being a home-owner for the past one and a half years has opened my eyes and taught me a lot about how to handle myself in a multitude of different situations such as dealing with the bankers to get the best interest rate on my home mortgage, neighbors who won’t turn down their music, internet installers who show up hours late, a washing machine which locked my wet clothes inside (WHAT. HOW), and learning that I had been over-watering my yard on accident all last summer (self timer issue. AKA a me issue because who really knows how to use self timers?!). The list goes on. As you can see, I’ve had a lot of laughs owning a home. I’ve experienced a lot in a short time and I’ve tried to go about handling each situation with grace and love.
With every passing day I learn more about myself and the woman God has created me to be – faithful to Him, confident, organized, passionate, loving, goofy, strong, willing to say “Here I am Lord, send me, use me, let the world see Your life in me”. Psalms 16:8 is one of my favorite verses which reads – “I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” I wholeheartedly believe God doesn’t always call the equipped. He equips the called.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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